Diocese News

Diocese News

Top stories around the Diocese as featured in our Intermountain Catholic newspaper.

�Having God as the center of our lives is very important,� says father as he and his children prepare for full communion with the Church
Courtesy photo

�Having God as the center of our lives is very important,� says father as he and his children prepare for full communion with the Church

By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic
“Participating in all the sacraments, saying ‘yes’ to God, is a blessing.” - Manaen Morales>>>
Conforme una familia se prepara para la total Comunión con la Iglesia, �El tener a Dios como centro de nuestras vidas es realmente importante,� dice el papá
Foto de Cortesia

Conforme una familia se prepara para la total Comunión con la Iglesia, �El tener a Dios como centro de nuestras vidas es realmente importante,� dice el papá

By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic
“El participar en todos los Sacramentos el decirle ‘Si’ a Dios es una bendición,” Manaen Morales>>>
40 Days for Life national leader brings message of �the beginning of the end of abortion� to Utah

40 Days for Life national leader brings message of �the beginning of the end of abortion� to Utah

By Linda Petersen
Intermountain Catholic
"As Catholics we cannot stand idly by while the greatest human injustice is happening every single day." - Ramona Trevino>>>
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