The liturgy, through which the work of our redemption is accomplished . . . is the outstanding means whereby the faithful may express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the real nature of Church.
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, #2.
The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Salt Lake City opened in 1977 to assist the Bishop with the implementation of the liturgical reforms called for by the second Vatican Council. The Office of Worship continues to assist the Bishop, work with pastors, and other pastoral leaders with ongoing liturgical renewal as prescribed in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and subsequent Church documents.
Through liturgical catechesis and the Rites of the Church, the Office of Worship aims to help people grow in faith and foster a life firmly rooted in the paschal mystery.
What is the Jubilee?
“Jubilee” is the name given to a particular year; the name comes from the
instrument used to mark its launch.
Click Here for Information Packet
Click Here for Jubilee Information from USCCB
Our Diocesan Liturgical Commission and the Office of Worship have prepared this booklet to assist our parishes and missions with the preparation of their liturgies.
Nuestra Comisión Litúrgica Diocesana y la Oficina de Culto han preparado este folleto para ayudar a nuestras parroquias y misiones con la preparación de sus liturgias.