Enjoy a wonderful evening with your spouse and celebrate your marriage! As part of National Marriage Week, the Annual Diocesan Marriage Mass and Celebration event is a great opportunity to be renewed and reconnected in your marriage. The theme for National Marriage Week this year is "Love Beyond Words".
Join us on Friday, February 9th at 6:00pm for Mass, Blessing of Marriage & Renewal of Vows with Bishop Oscar Solis! Dinner and Enrichment following Mass with James and Maureen Otremba, creators of "Banquet of Love: The Eucharist as Weekly Marriage Enrichment."
Mass will begin at 6:00pm at St. Vincent De Paul Parish (1375 East Spring Lane in Holladay), with dinner and enrichment in Holy Family Hall (next to the church).
Early Registration is $45 per couple (if you register by January 20th).
After January 27th, registration is $60 per couple.
Registration ends February 1st!