Diocese News

Diocese News

Top stories around the Diocese as featured in our Intermountain Catholic newspaper.

Christmas Message from Bishop Solis
Intermountain Catholic

Christmas Message from Bishop Solis

By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City
“Christmas reminds us that we have a God who cares, loves, saves us and will never abandon us.” - Bishop Oscar A. Solis
Mensaje Navide�o del Obispo Solis
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Mensaje Navide�o del Obispo Solis

By El Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Obispo de Salt Lake City
"La Navidad nos recuerda que tenemos a un Dios al que le importamos, que nos ama, quien nos salva y quien nunca nos abandona." - El Reverendísimo Oscar A. Solis, Obispo de Salt Lake City>>>
Local parish gatherings for SEEK2025 conference
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Local parish gatherings for SEEK2025 conference

On Thursday, Jan. 2, Bishop Oscar A. Solis will welcome parishioners with an online opening prayer and message, then the keynote address by Father Mike Schmitz will be livestreamed from the Salt Palace. >>>
Diocesan plans for Jubilee Year

Diocesan plans for Jubilee Year

Tthe Cathedral of the Madeline will celebrate the opeing of the 2025 Jubilee Year with a special procession at the 11 a.m. Mass in English and the 3 p.m. Mass in Spanish.>>>
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