Office of Stewardship and Development

Your gift at work

"With your heart of giving, the Diocesan Development Drive is able to help fund the Church's many ministries, programs, and services that rely on this essential appeal."

-Bishop Oscar Solis


Ethnic/Outreach | 29%

Your gifts help fund the Diocese, minister to families, honor the dignity of life, and ensure the safety of our children.

Ethnic Ministries
Hispanic Ministry
Hospital Ministry
Marriage and Family Life
Native American
Persons with Disabilities
Prison and Detention Ministry
Rural Mission Outreach
Safe Environment

Life, Charity and Justice | 25%

Your support makes outreach to the community at large possible. Being good stewards of the life of the Church is essential.


Utah Catholic Church Archives
Catholic Community Services
Government Liaison
Intermountain Catholic Newspaper
Life, Justice and Peace Commission
Marriage Tribunal
Stewardship Our Way of Life

Catholic Education | 23%

Your gift each year to the DDD enables our faith to be passed on to future generations.


Faith Formation
Utah Catholic Schools
Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Clergy and Religious Formation | 13%

With your gifts, we will continue to educate men to be our priests, as well as educated married men to assist pastors as deacons in our parishes and missions.


Diaconate Office
Organizations of Catholic Women
Seminarian Education

Administration | 10%

Your commitment to the DDD helps the administration maintain the day-to-day operations of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City.


Chancery Office
Financial Services
Human Resources
Mount Calvalry Catholic Cemetery
Pastoral Administration
Real Estate for Future Parishes

