Office of Marriage and Family

You Can Help Your Marriage

Restore Catholic


RESTORE - Catholic Marriage Help

Restore is an online, self-led marriage resource that gives you and your spouse the opportunity and the tools necessary to heal and restore your relationship. Whether married 6 months or 30 years, the hope for you in this process is threefold; that this will help you grow personally, relationally, and spiritually. Helping you become a better person, a better spouse, and ultimately the best version of yourself. The Restore program will aim to draw from not only psychology and counseling, but also the wisdom of our Christian faith and traditions.

Learn More Here: 

Help Our Marriage


Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry at each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse?

Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is a weekend retreat program led by lay ministers to serve the needs of couples whose marriages are experiencing difficulty. The program consists of a weekend retreat with 6 follow up sessions. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage.

The Salt Lake Diocese no longer has a Retrouvaille community due to lack of volunteer couples, however there are other communities that host virtual weekends allowing couples to attend those weekends.

For confidential information call 702-812-8873 or email: or visit the website at

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Marriage Encounter

Catholics and non-Catholics alike. All can benefit from this private time to reflect  on the gift of your marriage. Experience this opportunity to lock out the daily grind and spend an entire weekend focusing on your spouse.

For more information on the English Marriage Encounter in the Diocese, please contact Nathan and Maria at 801-942-1060 - you can leave a voicemail -, or Bill and Mary Ann Vena at 909-821-5783  or by visiting their website at:

Utah Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Para más información sobre el Encuentro Matrimonial Español en la Diócesis, por favor contacte con Roberto & Blanca Mercado: 801-641-6195; 801-755-2273.

A voluntary donation will be asked for to cover the costs the end of the weekend.

Resources for Married Couples by the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

The USCCB provides us with a great resource for married couples, engaged couples and divorced and separated individuals. At For Your Marriage you'll find ideas and resources for every kind of couple: engaged, happily married forever, married but needing some help to restore more happiness. Take a few minutes today to enhance your sacrament.

Visit For Your Marriage for more information.

¿Qué han hecho hoy por su matrimonio? "Hagan 'Click' aquí para ideas y recursos para cualquier clase de parejas: comprometidos, casados feliz para siempre, casados pero necesitando cierta ayuda para restaurar más felicidad." Tomen algunos minutos hoy para aumentar su sacramento.
