Office of Faith Formation

Diocesan Approved Texts

We carefully screen and recommend textbooks for your religious education programs for ages Pre-Kindergarten through High School.

Diocesan Approved Texts

Currently, we recommend the following four series as outstanding choices for your comprehensive religious education programs. All of these series have been approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Sadlier Religion Publishers

This textbook series offers bi-lingual (English-Spanish) textbooks. Sadlier has many downloadable resources for families and catechists. The children’s books are colorful and contain age-appropriate activities and solid faith formation linked to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Their authors carefully put together many resources to facilitate teaching the faith for catechists. Sadlier has been a generous supporter of faith formation for many years and their textbook authors are first-rate.

Loyola Press

Loyola Press offers excellent online support for their textbook series. They are a non-profit organization that supports families and catechists with interesting articles, free catechist training, and many special worksheets to strengthen family catechesis. They also publish texts for use with Spanish-speakers. Their textbooks are written by the Sisters of Notre Dame who incorporate their excellent pedagogical experience in these texts. Their methods are easy to use and popular with religious educators.


This company has also supported catechist formation and family catechesis for many years. They provide consultants who assist DRE’s using their products. Their Echoes of Faith catechist formation program is endorsed and recommended by the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership as the premier program for thorough preparation of volunteer catechists. Their texts are colorful, appealing to young people and provide assessment tools for teachers and catechists to evaluate the progress of their students. They have bi-lingual Spanish and bilingual Vietnamese editions.

Our Sunday Visitor

Our Sunday Visitor has many excellent resource persons who support their effective methods of teaching the faith. They offer materials for families who desire to become involved in their children’s religious education classes. They are unfailingly generous in offering speakers for our Diocesan Pastoral Congress and they maintain high quality products. OSV promotes methods founded on solid research and collaboration with clinical psychologists They offer a well-known and carefully written family life series as well.
