Respect for Life

Walking with Moms in Need

Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.”

Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.

The 25th anniversary year of Evangelium vitae gives us a wonderful opportunity to assess, expand, and communicate resources to pregnant moms and families in need.  More information on how to join the Walking with Moms in Need effort in your parish is available here:

Walking with Moms in Need Resources

The Respect for Life Diocesan Commission has a complete Parish Resource Booklet that is available for every parish. 

Please Note:

This resource is provided as a courtesy service by the Respect for Life Commission and the Diocese of Salt Lake City.  Neither the Commission nor the Diocese assumes responsibility or liability for use of this resource or for the actions, services, decisions or statements of individual organizations listed on this document. The inclusion of an organization’s information in this booklet is not a universal endorsement of that organization. It is the parish’s responsibility to vet resources and have Pastor approval to share, use and/or recommend them.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Pregnancy Help-Related Resources
  • Shelters
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Utah State and Local Resources
  • Housing and Utility Resources
  • Household Items/Furniture/Clothing
  • Day and Night Shelter Information
  • Women’s Resources and Shelters
  • Crisis Nurseries and Shelters
  • Food Assistance Resources
  • Drug/Alcohol Counseling
  • Legal Support
  • Suicide Crisis Support
  • Federal Medicaid Resources
  • Disability Resources
  • And more


 Parish Resource Booklet


Quick Links

Pregnancy Resource Centers: These centers offer pregnancy tests, medical referrals, ultrasounds, mentoring, and post abortion healing.

State wide:

Find a Care Center

In Salt Lake

Salt Lake Pregnancy Resource Center
644 South 900 E

Catholic Community Services of Utah:

Services included in Salt Lake:

St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall

Weigand Homeless Resource center

Front desk: 801-977-9119


Catholic Community Services of Northern Utah:

St. Martha’s Baby Project provides infant layettes to low income parents.


Joyce Hansen Food Bank, Northern Utah

Bridging the Gap food distribution through Ogden area elementary schools.

Front desk: 801-394-5944


Prayer for Mothers in Need

O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties. Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God’s love and compassion.

Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.
